The Power of a Story

The value of your claim can be greatly improved by telling a compelling story of how your injury impacted your life.

The power of a story – that is what the accident took from you – is much more useful than saying “in addition to the economic damages incurred, my client also sustained pain, suffering, emotional distress, as well as other harms and losses.”

Let’s face it, everyone is going to assume you suffered pain and inconvenience.   Saying that alone doesn’t move them.  But your story will.  Here is an example:

The story you tell should be meaningful to you – whatever it is.  Ideally, your story can be told through visuals – family photographs, ticket stubs, newspaper articles, anything – as well as people who can testify on your behalf. 

If you have questions about personal injury claims please contact Scott for a no cost, no obligation consultation and case evaluation.